Varietas delectat… Complexity is the new normality
Industry 4.0 and Diversity in Engineering Education
Creation is not finished! Roles and expectations for universities keep on changing in the 21st century whilst the mission of science, engineering and higher education remains substantial. Stakeholders expect academia to better promote innovation, reform the knowledge economy, and manage vastly altered student populations.
Turbulence, interdependency and complexity characterize the operating environment which is also influenced by socio-cultural-economic, structural and political challenges. Freedom, openness and creativity determine the digital economy. Open content and free access to knowledge help keeping collaborative creativity sustainable. New generation of learning technologies and networks are ubiquitous and mobile which reshape access to and delivery of learning. Cutting edge fields are artificial intelligence, learning self-analytics, adaptive learning, new credentialing, peer learning, user generated content, revolution of assessment.
We will be exploring this theme through keynote sessions and our conference tracks.
At SEFI we are very much aware of the responsibility of engineering education in connection with the global challenges that are facing the world. Thus, we recognize the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and support the UN Sustainability Development Goals.
The SEFI and Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) invite everyone to join the SEFI Annual Conference in Budapest. The conference takes place at the BME Campus in the centre of Budapest.
Looking forward to spending some valuable time together with you in September!
Contact us at the following email: