We have made block booking to numerous hotels so that you can easily find a suitable accomodation for the Conference.
Hotels with easy access to the conference venue by public transport (Taxi or shuttlebus service can be arranged according to the number and needs of participants):
City Hotel Mátyás***
Address: H-1056 Budapest, Március 15. tér 8.
Single room: from 74 EUR/room/night
Double room: from 87 EUR/room/night
For reservation, please use the following link: https://gc.synxis.com/rez.aspx?Hotel=60692&Chain=5375&arrive=9/15/2019&depart=9/18/2019&adult=1&child=0&promo=CHConference&sortproductsby=rate
More information about the hotel: http://www.cityhotel-matyas.hu/en/
Ibis Styles Budapest City***
Address: H-1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 12.
Standard room (single) 89 EUR/room/night
Standard room (double) 95 EUR/room/night
For reservation, please use the booking form found HERE
More information about the hotel:
Hotel Kálvin Ház***
Address: H-1093 Budapest, Gönczi Pál utca 6.
Single room: from 79 EUR/room/night
Double room: from 99 EUR/room/night
Reservation and more information about the hotel:
Danubius Hotel Flamenco****
Address: H-1113 Budapest, Tas vezér utca 3-7.
Economy room: from 85 EUR/room/night
Standard room: from 99 EUR/room/night
Executive room: from 115 EUR/room/night
For reservation, please use the booking form found HERE
More information about the hotel: https://www.danubiushotels.com/en/our-hotels-budapest/danubius-hotel-flamenco
Lánchíd 19 Design Hotel****
Address: H-1013 Budapest, Lánchíd utca 19.
Standard room: 128 EUR/room/night
Castle view room: 136 EUR/room/night
River view room: 148 EUR/room/night
For reservation, please use the booking form found HERE
More information about the hotel: https://www.lanchid19hotel.com/
Mercure Budapest Korona****
Address: H-1053 Budapest, Kecskeméti u. 14.
Available only for Early Bird registrations, until 29th March!
Standard room (single): 139 EUR/room/night
Standard room (double): 149 EUR/room/night
For reservation, please use the booking form found HERE:
More information about the hotel: https://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-1765-mercure-budapest-korona-hotel/index.shtml
Danubius Hotel Gellért****
Address: H-1114 Budapest, Szent Gellért tér 2.
Standard room: from 148 EUR/room/night
Superior room: from 165 EUR/room/night
15% discount is offered for SEFI Conference participants from daily rates
For reservation, please use the booking form found HERE:
More information about the hotel: https://www.danubiushotels.com/en/our-hotels-budapest/danubius-hotel-gellert
InterContinental Budapest*****
Address: H-1051 Budapest, Apáczai Csere János u. 10.
Standard room (single): 219 EUR/room/night
Standard room (double): 239 EUR/room/night
For reservation, please use the following link: COMING SOON!
More information about the hotel: http://www.budapest.intercontinental.com
Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace*****
Address: H-1051, Budapest, Széchenyi István tér 5.
Superior room: from 560 EUR/room/night
Gresham room: from 640 EUR/room/night
Reservation and more information about the hotel: https://www.fourseasons.com/budapest