Our institution, which was founded in 1782 under the name of Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum, has been the top higher education institution of Hungary and it also has well-established international reputation. The foundation of the effectiveness of the university is the devoted educational activities of our professors and the hard work and enthusiasm of our students. These values ensure the stability and continuity of education, scientific research and technological development at the institution. Students who feel talented and skilled may join various development projects already during their university years. When they continue their studies from the basic degree to the Masters qualifications we aim at fine-tuning their knowledge and skills so that it is ensured that they become excellent development and research engineers. Those who wish to proceed with their scientific studies may join PhD courses, which will provide sound basis and guiding framework to reach their professional targets.
All these opportunities ensure that the University of Technology has become one of the leading research universities of Hungary and is well-known for its scientific results abroad. It is also important that young people joining our programmes should not only become excellent professionals but educated persons in the widest sense. At the university there are various opportunities for intellectual activities and professors tend to convey not only professional skills but also their attitudes, values and viewpoints that may enrich students’ perceptions.
The eight faculties of the University of Technology have their individual characteristics but they all aim at outstanding educational results. The faculties cover such wide scientific areas that are well enough to understand and study within the time frames of the courses. The qualified professionals have strong technological and scientific base knowledge and economical skills and are also able to apply structural approaches to various processes.
Research at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, another long-standing tradition, is highly encouraged and is present on all levels from the B.Sc. through to the doctoral level. The research is both individual and co-operative, scientific and industrial, national and international.
During the 1980's the Budapest University of Technology and Economics was among the first in the "Eastern block" to recognise the importance of participating in research activities with institutions of higher education in Western Europe. Consequently, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics has some well-established research relationships with Western European universities. Proposals are also being initiated for national and international co-operation with other types of institutions and other researchers.
As the results of the high level researches at the University, our professors are selected as members of the editorial boards of international journals with high reputation and some of them having the editor-inchief position. Furthermore the University supports research as the publisher of the different Volumes of the Periodica Polytechnica. It publishes seven separate international scientific journals and a Technical Report series covering the following sciences: architecture, chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering and informatics, mechanical engineering, social and management sciences as well as transportation engineering. They were established more than three decades ago and due to the technical level of the papers these journals have been internationally recognized (indexed and references are in Scopus).
Recognising that doctoral work demands solutions to technological problems as well as the clarification of research queries, the university fosters an extensive series of long established relationships with various branches of industry.
Researchers at the university also are engaged in basic research projects supported by the National Scientific Research Fund. This research activity has resulted in several patents, and some of the softwares developed at the university have gained international recognition.